Thursday, November 6, 2008

Seeing God Through This Election...

Obama Bidden is the new President of The United States.
Yes, because he was voted into office.
But also because God has a plan.
Some people were overjoyed that he was voted into
this position.
Not so much.
I've heard some people even remark that they think
he's the Anti-Christ.
My opinion?
Even if that's true, the Lord put Him into office not to
torture those who were hoping for McCain, rather
to use Obama for His will.
Whether that's to bring our Nation to a better place,
or to bring us to the second coming of Christ,
I will not have fear, for God has a plan!
I for one, and very tired of hearing people complain

about the election even still.
Obama has won, so can we please move on?
Ha ha. That's pretty much all I have to say.
So whether you were voting for McCain or Obama, trust
in God, and let His will be done!!!


P.S. I chose this font, cause it looks official. Ha ha. =]

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